Welcome to AA on St Barts ... we have 4 meetings a week - see notice below
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings on St Barts
AA meetings are held in the Church Centre, the small building on the left of the Anglican Church in Gustavia: The Meeting schedule is as follows: on Tuesdays and Fridays 6.30-7.30pm; and on Mondays Wednesdays 8.30-9.30am. All meetings are open and are held in English. Please phone or email if you have any questions: +1 (340)643 6109 or + 590 690 21 88 15 or email aastbarts@gmail.com. All are welcome ...
Tuesday 28 November 2023
Tuesday 25 July 2023
New Summer Meeting hours
Hi All,
With things slowed down on the island we have cut back on our weekly meetings.
Meetings now will meet
Wednesday Morning from 8 to 9am
Tuesday and Friday
6:30pm to 7:30pm
or Via Zoom
PW: 4321
All Meetings are open and in English.
Thank You!
Monday 20 February 2023
No Meeting this Tuesday 21st February
Due to Carnival taking place in Gustavia, there will one no AA meeting on Tuesday 21st February.
Normal meetings resume on Wednesday 22nd February at 8am.
Monday 14 November 2022
STOP PRESS - additional weekly meetings
We have added new additional 'in-person' meetings on Mondays & Wednesdays at 8am.
Same place as always - The centre to the left of the Anglican Church in Gustavia. See you there ...
Friday 2 September 2022
Meetings for September & October 2022
During the 2022 Hurricane Season we will continue to hold our bi-weekly meetings ... but using Zoom rather than in-person meetings in Gustavia
Same days and time: Tuesdays and Fridays at 6.30pm
But log in to Zoom using this link:
or use:
Meeting ID 3143153167 & p/w 4321
Friday 10 June 2022
Meetings for June 2022
During June 2022 we will continue to hold our bi-weekly meetings ... but only using Zoom.
Same time: Tuesdays and Fridays at 6.30pm
But log in to Zoom using this link:
or use:
Meeting ID 3143153167 & p/w 4321
Anyone who has a desire to give up drinking is welcome.
Thursday 24 February 2022
Meetings in 2022
Join in-person on St Barts or via Zoom
We will continue to hold our bi-weekly meetings ... in-person in Gustavia at the Church Centre to the left of the Anglican Church.
The meetings will also hook up with members not present on St Barts via Zoom - and you can join via Zoom using the meeting number 3143153167 - p/w 4321
Meetings are held on Tuesdays and Fridays at 6.30pm (Island time/AST)
Anyone who has the desire to give up drinking is welcome to attend in-person or on Zoom.